Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello Liam. Welcome.

Today was a weird day for me. I'm not, repeat NOT, a kid person and even less of a baby person. Honestly I believe that humans and birdies have the ugliest offspring. We are not attractive in our first few hours and months of our lives. I'm the last person who will ever ask to hold a baby. I don't get why people get so excited and want to cuddle them, make stupid cooey noises and faces at them and tell people that they are the cutest baby ever.

Yep that's me. I'm a bit of a baby hater. My tolerance and mild interest in children begin when they are like 2 or 3 and they have a personality. Then I like to teach them to do things like drop ice cubes down their mother's cleavage or pick coins out of fountains (okay, maybe that is only with my sister's kids. Other people get really pissed off if you do that). At this stage their kind of funny and their view on everything in life is very amusing.

But the odd thing is, I was incredibly excited to hear about Liam making his grand debut this morning. One of my closest friends, Des, is the proud new mother. I'm incredibly excited for her. I was moved by the story she told me of how he made it into the world, how it felt to her, and how the last several hours have been since. I was warmed to the depths of my little baby indifferent heart.

And (gasp!) I find myself excited to say hello to the little guy. Maybe it's because I've been here to hear about everything from his first kicks to all the disgusting things that your body does. Maybe it's because we've been such close friends. Who knows. All I can say is that I'm truly happy for them - not the kind where you say you are happy and wish congrats - but the kind that makes your face tingly and you can't help but smiling.

Welcome to the world little guy!


Anonymous said...

Aww. That's so exciting. I'm like you thought..most of the time I'd rather just stand on the other side room of the baby. Terrible, I know.

Anonymous said...

Stay proud of your child-free mentality. Kids are lovely, but I usually find myself needing a break after 20 straight baby minutes.

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