It’s official. I’m jinxed. Or April is jinxed. Or maybe it’s a little bit of both. Any which way you look at it, April and me, we apparently don’t get along. More specifically April has it out for me. At the very least it has it out for my knees.
I spent last Sunday giving the Skyla a few last runs before she returns to the basement for the long summer season. Springtime on the mountain is great. There is always a chance of a freak storm that will dust the resorts with upwards for 2 feet of snow. It’s the days Coloradans dream of. On the flip side the temp can also creep into the 50s and the runs begin to take the consistency of mashed potatoes. Then the following morning all that slushy greatness has frozen packing the runs with ice. That’s the down side and last Sunday it gave April the chance to come back and bite me in the ass again, or the knees.
About 4 hours into my farewell to winter day, the ice was turning back to gooey softness again and I was picking up speed with each run. Then fate stepped in and I managed to find the last patch of ice with my toe edge. Slam! Knees go down, both cracking against said ice patch. After rolling stopping my downward spiral down the mountain I proceed to rock back and forth for a good ten minutes grabbing my knees before proceeding cautiously down the remainder of the run. That was it. My day was done.
Several days later the left one is still sporting a nasty purple moon and the right has what I can only describe as a mini-tumor growing just beneath the cap. After little change and significant prodding by the man I’m finally going to the doctor to have them looked at.
What I realized in the process of setting up said appointment is this isn’t the first time my knees and April have crossed paths and I’ve lost. If you know me you know that my knees are practically my nemesis by themselves. Four times they’ve failed me and you guessed it, almost all of those have been in April. Who could forget the so called pirate incident in New Orleans exactly a year ago. ;) After all it’s not really a vacation unless someone comes back in a wheel chair. (Side note – Beware of the Hurricanes & Hand Grenades in the Big Easy)
This one goes to you April, but be warned – next year will be mine even if have ride in a damn little rascal scooters like an old person all month. In the meantime let’s call us square this year.
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