Friday, April 30, 2010

Friendly Friday - An Ode to True Friends!

I received this email today and it truly does remind me of what friendship is like to me. Thanks to all of my rockstar friends! I love ya! Enjoy!

1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!

2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you..

3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.

4. When you're scared, we will high tail it out of here.

5. When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!

6.. When you are confused, I will use little words.

7. When you are sick, stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have....

8. When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off-- after I'm finished laughing my ass off and pointing at you!!

This is my oath.....I pledge it to the end.

'Why?' you may ask; -- because you are my FRIEND!

Side Note: Friendship is like peeing your pants, Everyone can see it, But only YOU Can feel the True warmth...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Damn You April - Damn You!

It’s official. I’m jinxed. Or April is jinxed. Or maybe it’s a little bit of both. Any which way you look at it, April and me, we apparently don’t get along. More specifically April has it out for me. At the very least it has it out for my knees.

I spent last Sunday giving the Skyla a few last runs before she returns to the basement for the long summer season. Springtime on the mountain is great. There is always a chance of a freak storm that will dust the resorts with upwards for 2 feet of snow. It’s the days Coloradans dream of. On the flip side the temp can also creep into the 50s and the runs begin to take the consistency of mashed potatoes. Then the following morning all that slushy greatness has frozen packing the runs with ice. That’s the down side and last Sunday it gave April the chance to come back and bite me in the ass again, or the knees.

About 4 hours into my farewell to winter day, the ice was turning back to gooey softness again and I was picking up speed with each run. Then fate stepped in and I managed to find the last patch of ice with my toe edge. Slam! Knees go down, both cracking against said ice patch. After rolling stopping my downward spiral down the mountain I proceed to rock back and forth for a good ten minutes grabbing my knees before proceeding cautiously down the remainder of the run. That was it. My day was done.

Several days later the left one is still sporting a nasty purple moon and the right has what I can only describe as a mini-tumor growing just beneath the cap. After little change and significant prodding by the man I’m finally going to the doctor to have them looked at.  

What I realized in the process of setting up said appointment is this isn’t the first time my knees and April have crossed paths and I’ve lost.  If you know me you know that my knees are practically my nemesis by themselves. Four times they’ve failed me and you guessed it, almost all of those have been in April. Who could forget the so called pirate incident in New Orleans exactly a year ago. ;) After all it’s not really a vacation unless someone comes back in a wheel chair. (Side note – Beware of the Hurricanes & Hand Grenades in the Big Easy)

This one goes to you April, but be warned – next year will be mine even if have ride in a damn little rascal scooters like an old person all month. In the meantime let’s call us square this year.  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FYI: The job title is Account Manager not Whipping Post

It’s one of those days. You know the one. The day where anything that can go wrong will. The day where tempers run hot and mouths seem to be running off at decibels that shatter ear drums. The day where you just want to clock out and say “See you world! Until tomorrow!” then curl up in an oversize chair with a glass of wine or even a strong martini and stare at the wall because that’s all your brain can take at this point. That’s my day.
I work in an environment that is filled to the brim with big egos, where each one is a little more pompous then the next. My day is filled conversing with legal minds and plastics’ artists. My time is spent talking to the heads of these practices who are often used to speaking down to everyone in their general vicinity. And the joy of being the representative and face of my organization for my client s is that when things go wrong I’m the one to feel the lash.

Sometimes that can be ridiculously hard. The urge to lay blame where it belongs dances around on my tongue though never quite escaping. I bite it back and swallow it down. I sit and allow the verbal mounds of complaints to lash out at me never breaking my calm, never pointing my finger at another, never making an excuse and always accepting the blame.

And when it’s through and I’m ready to wrap my fingers around the neck my teammate who didn’t think before doing something without my permission, I stalk down the hall to their office mumbling explicitives all the way. But before I can begin launching projectile missiles in the form of staplers and keyboards at my colleague, I reign in my temper. I politely let them know what the issue is. I don’t scream how I need this crap fixed in ten but right now damn it! I haggle, I bribe and I beg to get it done today.

Why? Because that is my job. Yes, I’m the project overseer, strategist and account manager. But I’m apparently also the fundamental hidden titles not listed in my job description – the listener, the peacekeeper and the whipping post.   I’m the one who maintains control of my emotions, never blinking no matter how bad it stings. That’s what makes me good at my job.
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