Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesdays - WTF?

I saw this today, loved it and felt it was a must share cause this is how my week is feeling.

You ever have one of those weeks when everything makes you want to scream and punch coworkers, the guy that was riding his brakes all damn morning and eventually random old ladies on the street for walking slow and smiling at you? (I promise that isn't an everyday occurrence, but more of a random feeling today, and yesterday, and maybe tomorrow.)  Well, that's my week so far. It's one of those that sends me home on a Monday to veg on a coach and watch Leverage on the DVR with 2 giant pint size glasses of homemade Sangria because a wine glass just wasn't going to be big enough.  And it's only Tuesday. 

Makes me seriously wonder where this week is going to end up. But wait, Friday is a half-day of work and Monday is off thanks to the independence of America. God bless the USA, bottle rockets, hot dogs, apple pie, beer koozies, and most importantly our soldiers. Without you I'd be working on Monday and speaking in a funny British accent that would most likely resemble a combo of Kiera Knightley and Charlie Hunnam's real accents (it wouldn't sound to pretty). 

So that brings us to next Tuesday and wondering: WTF will it bring? 

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Misadventures of Lake Powell 2010

So my most recent adventure to Lake Powell was a combination of hilarity, dreams of mice, sunscreen, water floaties and banana hammocks saturated in booze and tossed onto a houseboat that by day two reeked of septic backup. Here are a few highlights:

While some people fly pirate flags, our crew in true Nebraskan fashion flew a Husker flag. That’s right a great big ass red flag with a white N. There was no question where most on this boat hailed from.  And if that wasn’t enough to proclaim where the patrons of that boat belonged then the giant “N” that we was resurrected at our first docking spot definitely was.

And just when I thought I was finally too old to get obscenely drunk and pass out in an odd spot I do, but at least I can blame it on The Man.  Pomegranate Pearl Vodka and a little Sprite Zero go down way to easy! Four ridiculously strong drinks later and a realization that I’ve become a pansy since leaving college, I took a look at the bottle and suddenly felt myself hit a wall. My drunk sea legs weren’t going to cut it anymore.  I was done. Out for the count. So what do I do? I crawl up underneath the 8 plus inflated floaties in one of the staterooms and proceed to take one the of best siestas of my life. Only to wake up with a fairly significant buzz hours later. That’s right. I can’t hang like I used to.

Also, there is nothing quite like resurrecting a game of truth or dare. Thanks to that I’ve seen a drunk guy sing I’m a little teapot while twirling around on a cooler, friends play bucking bull and try to dump each other into the dirt, and just about everyone in a banana hammock (yes, some of the girls too).

Did you know that mice (and apparently other disgusting creatures) will crawl up the lines at night while the boat is docked? All it took was one mention of this and I was dreaming of little mice crawling across my bed every night. While it never happened, the mere thought was enough to have me kicking out randomly at least 20 times per night. Tip: bring something to put on the ropes to fend off the little creepy, disease-ridden rodents.

Oh and one last antidote. When packing of course I remembered all the essentials like sunscreen, bug spray, water floaties and several cases of beer, but who would have ever thought to pack mass amounts of Febreeze? Well, I’m telling you that is another must have with 10 people all using the same crapper, and one in particular dropping 4-6 loads a day. The smell is builds up quick and at a whopping 10 miles an hour cruising speed you can’t generate enough wind flow to carry away the smell.

All in all, it was a hell of a time. What was your favorite random vacation with friends?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why should I work when I could perpetually be on vacation?

The worst part about any vacation is coming home. I know some people are ready to crawl back into their own comfy beds and gorge themselves on American hamburgers, but not me. Okay, that’s not fully true. I did gorge myself on the Wendy’s frosty/fries combo. (God bless you Dave!) I am already missing you Costa Rica. What more could I ask for from my little adventure then the sound of waves crashing into the beach (off both coasts), several species of crazy monkeys and buttery plantains with every meal.

I know! Another vacation because hey, who really needs to be at work anyways? Definitely not me. That’s right kiddies. I’m off to Lake Powell with the NEB crew. Translation: hello to more sun (Yes, I’m getting seriously brown) and a houseboat full of booze. Ain’t summer grand?

Where would you go right now if you could?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Does this high school grad make me look old?

It’s official. My little bitty baby bro isn’t so little bitty anymore. Yes, I know he has dwarfed me since he was 14, but the kid –ahem, excuse me- guy is finally grown up. I can attest to that since I spent the entire weekend coming to that realization. It didn’t happen right away, it was more like a 12 step, okay 2 step process.

1. The military dress
I showed up in Riverton and caught up with the bro on Saturday, after he had spent half the day on orders, which I learned is what it’s called when you’re on duty for your one-weekend-a-month with the National Guard. Since he was done with his tasks but still technically on call he had to stay suited up in his uniform for the rest of the day just in case the call and need him somewhere.  So when I saw him he was still in uniform.
That’s when it slowly began to set in. Yes, he did really sign up for 8 years in the guard and he is going to basic training next month. Sure, I’ve seen pictures of him in the gear, but it’s not the same as seeing it in person.

2. The cap and gown
Sunday came and so did graduation day. In Riverton it took place in the gymnasium since that’s the only place big enough to hold all those people inside – hey, its Wyoming and you don’t hold anything outside in May. It may very likely snow. As we sat down I quickly realized I hadn’t seen the inside of a high school gym in 9 years. It was a little awkward being in one again and you think I would have remembered how wood bench can make your butt numb in 2 minutes.  I seriously wish I would have thought of bringing a blanket, pillow, butt donut, anything to sit on! I digress…

With an 8 year difference, I’ve always seen Chans as my baby bro, but in a cap and gown my thinking really had to start changing. After all he was done with school and taking the diploma. Funny enough when they began playing the senior video and his face popped up and he waved at the camera I got teary.  Awww! It was ridiculous. I didn’t get teary at my own graduation, was actually rather nonchalant about the whole thing, but his I got a little choked up. Don’t worry I quickly recovered.

Congratulations Chans! May  your road never be too rocky, may you always appreciate each and every success, and may you always remain as humble as you were that day.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
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